Class WorkInfo

Class that contains information about a single work.

Param: options

can be an object with information about the work or a number that is the id of the work

Param: options.title

string containing the title of the work


number that is the id of the work


Arry of User objects containing the name(s) of the author(s) and url(s) to the profile(s)

Param: options.fandom

Array of Fandom objects associated with the work

Param: options.stats

WorkStats Object containing information about the work like length, number of chapters, etc.

Param: options.relationships

Array of Relationship objects associated with the work

Param: options.characters

Array of Character objects associated with the work

Param: options.rating

Rating Object detailing the Rating of the work

Param: options.archiveWarnings

Array of ArchiveWarning objects detailing the Archvie Warnings associated with the work

Param: options.tags

Array of Tag objects associated with the work

Param: options.language

string containing the language code of the work (checked against LanguageCodes enum)

Param: options.series

Array of SeriesInfo objects detailing what Series the work is part of and where in the Series it is positioned

Param: options.collections

either an Array of Collection objects detailing what collections the work is part of or a the number of collections the work belongs to.

Param: options.summary

string containing the summary of the work



archiveWarnings?: ArchiveWarning[]
authors?: User[]
categories?: Category[]
characters?: Character[]
collections?: Collection[]
fandom?: Fandom[]
id?: number
language?: string
rating?: Rating
relationships?: Relationship[]
series?: SeriesInfo[]
stats?: WorkStats
summary?: string
tags?: Tag[]
title?: string

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